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Guest Reader

Dr. Rufa visited second graders in Mrs. Ricciardi’s class. thumbnail255615
Dr. Rufa visited second graders in Mrs. Ricciardi’s class. thumbnail255616

Dr. Rufa visited second graders in Mrs. Ricciardi’s class to read aloud “Just Help” by Sonia Sotomayor.

Date Added: 2/29/2024

Reading Activities in Kindergarten

Ms. Mancusi’s kindergarten class. thumbnail255556
Ms. Mancusi’s kindergarten class. thumbnail255557
Ms. Mancusi’s kindergarten class. thumbnail255558
Ms. Mancusi’s kindergarten class. thumbnail255559
Ms. Mancusi’s kindergarten class. thumbnail255560

Ms. Mancusi’s kindergarten class read “The Little Red Hen on Stage” and “The Little Red Hen Makes Pizza” as part of the HMH reading program. The students compared and contrasted, determined the plot, acted out the stories and created their own Red Hen for each story. Each student dressed one of the hens in a 3D skirt depicting the plot. As an extension of the lesson, the students made their own pizza which included geometric shapes from their new math unit. Each student planned, counted and cut the toppings for their pizza. Some of the toppings included rectangle cheese, circle pepperoni and triangle peppers.

Date Added: 2/27/2024